Card playing for horses | Bowing Down Home
File: trainorcecil06-oh-cardplayingforhorses_M.mp3
CT – Cecil Trainor
KP – Curator Ken Perlman
CT: Then they used to have card playing for horses. Some fellow in the fall of the year would have an old horse that wouldn't be worth nothin', so he'd card play him. So I’d be at at the card playing and I’d win him. So what I would do I wouldn’t bother taking him home, I’d card play him again.
KP: What game would you play
CT: 45, they called it 45: nine hands, five cards and a trump on the deck, and 9 people at a table. And there was 3 sets of partners. And they played 9 games. I'd win him then, and I wouldn’t take him home so I'd go next week and I'd card play him again. And that would be another house full of card players. So you'd win the horse that night, and you didn't want the horse, so you'd play him again. This would go on all winter.
KP: So the horse got passed around till somebody wanted him?
CT: Generally it ended up in the spring there was no horse in the first place (laughter).