Eastern Queens | Bowing Down Home

Eastern Queens fiddlers represent a transitional stage between the Central Kings County and Western Queens sounds. As one might expect from their their location, fiddlers from northeastern Queens are closer stylistically to Central Kings. Fiddlers from southeastern Queens County, on the other hand, share many elements of sound with South Kings players, but tend to have a more syncopated approach to bowing.



Historical model: fiddler from past generations whose music was preserved only on family tapes or single-pressing discs.

True to Type: sound is relatively typical of the region

"Slow" Fiddler: specializes in playing set tunes and waltzes

Hybrid Style - heavily influenced by external style


Eastern Queens Fiddlers by Style

Historical Model: Earl Hughes, Lem Jay

True to Type (Southeastern Queens): Jimmy Halliday, Clarence MacLean, Danny MacLean, Johnny Morrissey, Elliott Wight

True to Type (Northeastern Queens): Emmett Hughes, Roland Jay, Bill Koughan

"Slow" Fiddler: Howard Hancock

Hybrid Style: Keith Nicholson (substantial mainstream Canadian influence)