MacDonald, Faber (speech) - Island fiddlers give up contests | Bowing Down Home


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FM – Rev. Faber MacDonald

FM You could get the sense that there were some very, very deep feelings about what had happened among fiddlers over the years as a result of them being engaged in competitions. I picked up that some very, very good fiddlers were very deeply scarred and wounded by things that happened, you know? So that was one of the very first meeting [of the PEI Fiddlers’ Society], if it wasn't the first one, that it got out on the floor. OK, if we're going to form this society, anybody who's a member of this society will not enter contests. They were adamant on that: never again will a member of this Society get involved in fiddling contests. And at that time, that very first year, or perhaps the first and second year, there was still an attempt, on the part of certain organizations, to set up the old time fiddling contests, and thses guys stayed away from them.