Halliday, Jimmy - Neighbors see fiddlers as lazy | Bowing Down Home
File: hallidayjimmy-oh-lazyfiddlers_M.mp3
JH: Jimmy Halliday
EM: Eddie Martin
KP: Curator Ken Perlman
JH At that time a lot of them weren't much good for anything else for some reason or another. They were handy to have around for a house party but they didn't have a very high position at all.
KP In general, would people look down on fiddlers?
JH I guess not really look down too much, but a lot of them seemed to be a shiftless lot, for some reason.
KP But the people were depending upon the fiddler for all of their entertainment.
EM They danced all night and worked all the next day.
JH By and large, they weren’t looked down on, not by any means.
KP But people thought they didn't work.
JH Well, yeah.
KP So fiddling wasn't really considered work even though it was hard work to fiddle all night.
JH You'd better believe it. Yeah
KP But it wasn't considered work.
JH No, it was fiddling.
EM It was entertainment.
KP But actually, everyone was depending on the fiddlers.
JH & EM: Oh yes. Oh yes.