Defusing peer pressure | Bowing Down Home
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KD – Kathryn Dau Schmidt
KD: I get the feeling there's not as much peer pressure because there's been enough young people playing that it's not looked at quite as weird as it was, in most places.
KP: It’s not something that just the old folks do.
KD: That’s right. It's not something that just the old folks do. And you see Richard [Wood], because he directed his career off-Island, there'd be little things in the newspaper about him playing in Japan or him playing for the troops over in Afghanistan, or him being offered a chance to play with Shania Twayne and then turning it down. So he was in the newspaper a lot for more than just playing; he was known to people for more than just playing at concerts or benefits or dances. He was known because he was in the paper.