Crane's first tune | Bowing Down Home


File: cranerobert06-oh-firsttune_M.mp3


RC – Robert Crane

KP – Curator Ken Perlman

KP: How old were you when you started to play the fiddle?

RC: I was pickin' at it at about 12 year old I guess.

KP: Do your remember how it happened that you started?

RC: I guess the music was all in a person, we liked music. There was always music, my father, music all around us. Then John, my older brother was playin' some, and one time he said, “Did you try it?” I said, “No.” He said, “try this little tune.” I’ll play it to you.

Robert Cranes Plays the First Tune he Learned

RC: That's the first one I played. So I started and it wasn't long till I played it. Funny little tune.